Vitality Secrets Podcast

Conversations about health, love, vitality, movement and spirituality. Hosted by renowned holistic health coach and performer Simba Khaira.

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Saturday Apr 09, 2022

Simba discusses the 3 forms of love, definitions of love and how to conceptualize a healthy relationship.

Saturday Mar 12, 2022

Should you spend more moments within experiencing or witnessing your emotions?
Simba opens up conversation around how to navigate the field of emotions.
Insta: @simbasfire

Friday Feb 18, 2022

Simba speaks about a deeper understanding of pain and how to balance your system for healing

Wednesday Feb 16, 2022

Why movement and a physical practice is imperative to the fullness of the human exeperience

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022

Introduction into the stages of the heros journey and the 8 archetypes

Monday Feb 14, 2022

Episode #11 Finding Ultimate Health | Solo Cast with Sim Khaira by Sim Khaira

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020

The Story of Buddha with Sim Khaira
In Episode #10 I break down the story of Buddha heroes journey from child psychology to adult psychology.
Commenting on pivotal moments on the development of his consciousness and psyche which is relatable to every individuals’ life story.
I have been passionately obsessed with ancient stories, mythology and their connection to our current societal life orientation and purpose.
Podcasting in this story format is something different for me so I hope you enjoy and warmly welcome any feedback.
FB: Sim Khaira
Instagram: @eurosim_

Friday Jun 12, 2020

Episode #6 What gives meaning to a mans life? | Be Human Podcast
In this Be Human episode Kurtis Buckley and I discuss the meaning behind a man’s life.
We dive into mythological motifs, self -truth and the interplay between your internal centre point and its external manifestation upon the world.
Time Stamps:
2:00 Opening question: What gives meaning to a mans life?
4:00 The manifestation of the internal journey externally
5:55 It is not an individual who asks what the meaning of life is. It’s life that asks you what the meaning is
6:40 Finding your centre
7:00 What does internal alignment look or feel like? Is it tangible?
8:50 Stacking of the orchestras multiple layers musically is the best way to define finding centre
11:40 Meaning of life and ancient mythology and lore
12:30 Every mans heroes journey of containing and then making order from chaos
19:40 The correlation between your level of centeredness and magnitude of chaos you are willing to encounter
21:25 How your highest truth and governs your internal centeredness
24:38 Is “matter” or “what matters” more true?
26:45 External gravity and internal gravity. The analogy of amoral and immutable truths
32:25 BE WARNED: Aligning with your truth is by no means a pleasant experience
37:55 The story of Adam & Eve – extracting the real meaning the stories of mankind
43:50 Red Pill or Blue Pill?
45:35 Your truth compass
46:25 You subject yourself to a life narrow bandwidth if you swallow the blue pill
49:30 Integrating the dark parts of yourself
52:35 Are you ever tempted to go back in time and take the blue pill?
54:40 Steps to generate meaning in your life

Monday May 04, 2020

Episode #8 - How to shift your thinking and overcome pain, suffering and injury with Mike Rigby | Be Human Podcast
I’m super excited to release this conversation with Mike as he is not only a great friend but mentor and beholder of many eons of wisdom.
Mike has been many things in his life from a scientist, horticulturist, lecturer, therapist and healer.
He carries a formidable intellectual ability that is uniquely entwined with a hyper-empathetic nature.
Mike continually shifts and challenges my paradigms of thought and is the man I go to when I can no longer generate any answers or require the truth in a digestible and understandable format or context.
Hope you find this discussion valuable and insightful.

Saturday Mar 21, 2020

In this Be Human episode Kurt and I deep dive into the intricacies of the identities transient nature, the ego as a socially induced hallucination and integrating and understanding the deep dark side of your shadow and psyche to become “whole” but not necessary “good”.
Here we draw on deep knowledge from work with mentors, long years of study, practice and anecdotes.
We will aim to record a second conversation on a similar topic as we only got through half of our envisaged talking points.
Any questions on this topic? Shoot me a message.

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